I interviewed eleven kids and asked them...
Who is your favorite teacher and why?
Sammy B : " Mr. O. because he is a fun teacher and is not stict".
Katie H. " My favorite teacher is Mr . Keller because he is nice and cool".
Bryanna D "Mr. Eckley because he is fun to prank. He also drops his pocket."
Jessica F. " Mrs. Chandler because she is awesome."
Whitney " Mrs. Chandler, she's my AG teacher and nice."
Ally " Mr. Keller because he's a cool math teacher".
Maddie " Mrs. Chandler, she is nice."
Jessenia " Mrs. Elkington because she is really nice to me and others. She knows how to expain worksheets and speaks clearly and loud."
Ashley W." Mr. O. becaues he is fun for drama."
Marty G." Mr O. and Mr Glynn because they both are awesome."
What do you like about this school?
"Golden Key"
"We don't have to be here forever."
"That we have our own lockers"
"It is very fun"
"The people"
"The toilets"
"My friends"
What do you like about the cafeteria?
"You can sit wherever you want"
"The good food"
"You can have jello"
Where is the farthest away from here that you have been?
"Mexico". Veracruz"
"South Dakota"
"North Dakota"
Where would you like to visit?
"Australia, Africa, Germany, Canada, Mexico"
"North Pole"
"New York city"
"Victor Point"
What do you do after school?
"Watch TV, Internet'
"Hang out with my peeps"
"Hang with my friends at Volleyball practice"
"Walk my dog'
'Go home, take care of my youngest sister'
"Listen to music"
"Hang out with friends and do my homework"
What do you read for pleasure?
"Fantasy books"
"Vampire books"
"Comics, magazines"
"Dr. Seuss'
"Anne of Green Gables"
"A Child Called It"
"All books"
"Anything about Justin Bieber or Cody Simpson"
By Kirsten Thickett